Upcoming Shows
- 03/22/25 Carol Montag in Red Oak, IA at Wilson Performing Arts Center
- 03/29/25 Carol Montag in Greenfield, IA at Warren Cultural Center Buy Tickets
- 04/05/25 Carol Montag in Milford, IA at Lakeshore Center at Okoboji
- 04/12/25 Carol Montag in Omaha, NE at The Folk House
Summer of Love at the Iowa Talent Factory
Many thanks go out to all the folks who came to the Iowa Talent Factory in Nevada, IA on Saturday night for the 50th Anniversary of the Summer of Love concert. Rocky Raccoon (Beatles cover band) and Mr. Mojo Risin’ (Doors cover band) were both fantastic – not to mention super nice guys! We were taken back in time with awesome music, cool psychedelic images, and a fog machine! A very groovy time was had by all and the audience could not have been more appreciative! There wouldn’t be a show without all of YOU! And…many thanks to Larry Sloan for inviting me to be a part it all! Until next time…Peace and Love!
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Figure Eight
Hope you enjoy this video I created for my song “Figure Eight” from my Marigolds CD.
Figure eight etched in ice
They say perfection has it’s price
Silver star shoot across the moon
I swear I had one once
But I let it go too soon
I let it go
If I were a little girl
I’d probably fly apart at the seams
I’d dance myself into the ground
‘Cause I’d have that star
Just burnin’ in my pocket
No matter what anyone said
I would not stop it
I would not
Can I dance for you
Let me dance for you
I wanna dance for you
When you look up
On a starlit night
Do you wonder why we’re here
And is there a star
Just burning in your pocket
Is it fading fast
Like the white tail of a rocket
A white tail
Will you dance for me
Dance for me
Dance for me
Dance with me
Dance with me
Dance with me
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Tribute Christmas Concert on December 7th
The Tribute Christmas Concert is coming up soon and we (Kathy Donnelly, Nina Swanson, and me) are looking forward to another exciting show. We are honored to be performing at the beautiful Paramount Theatre again this year. We have fantastic musicians joining us – Bruce Millard on guitar and mandolin, Gerard Estelle on keyboards, Tom Mackey on drums, Craig Dove on bass, Jim Coates on guitar, Joanne Chadima on flute, and Carlis Faurot on violin. Plus, we have a special guest or two joining the gang! Expect fun and music that will put you in the Christmas spirit! I look forward to seeing everyone! Love and joy come to you! Here’s a link to the show!
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Picnic on the Prairie
Carlis and I had a great time at this year’s Picnic on the Prairie. We started out at sound check with lots of strong wind to contend with, but as the evening wore on the wind calmed down. The audience was fantastic, as always, and it was a special treat to have my son, Patrick Montag, join us on Djembe, cajon, and high-hat. He’s a great drummer (if I do say so myself). I already have some songs in mind for next year…
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Looking forward to this year’s Picnic on the Prairie Concert
Hope you can join Carlis Faurot and me for the 2016 Picnic on the Prairie Concert on Saturday, August 20th at 7:00pm at the Klopfenstein Amphitheater for the Performing Arts, Lowe Park, 4500 North 10th Street, Marion, IA. Admission is free and you are welcome to bring your picnic basket and cooler filled with goodies! See you there!
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Synergy Concert
Well, this is another first for me. I have been invited by Angie Pierce Jennings, Executive Director of the Iowa Youth Chorus, to perform at their Synergy Concert on Sunday, March 6th at 4:00pm at the Temple for the Performing Arts, 1011 Locust Street in Des Moines, IA. I’ll be doing a set of my own tunes, but the exciting part is the choir will be joining me on one of them! I can’t wait to hear what that is going to sound like. The Iowa Youth Chorus has been providing training and development for young singer for 33 years. You can read more about them at
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Anchor Coffee House
Hello and THANK YOU to all the folks who came to my concert at the Anchor Coffee House at Westminster Presbyterian in Des Moines on Saturday night! I had a fantastic time and sang to a full house. YAY! Thank you to Matt Culp for all your help getting me there and Dave – the sound man! I was especially happy to see my former gymnastics coach at Grand View University, Karen Bason! She is the sweetest person around! This is a picture of our team from those days. I am third from the right. I loved being on the team and floor ex was my favorite event.
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“Lucy, you got some splainin’ to do!” Yes, Ricky, I know…
So many of you have asked what happened at IMMERSE 2015 so I thought I would make it official and put it in writing. IMMERSE is music conference in Nashville put on by GMA (the Gospel Music Association) for artists, songwriters, vocalists, and worship leaders. It includes classes from the creative to the business side of things, performances by various artists, is a great way to network, and a show ‘em what you got competition called reVIEWyou.
So, I signed up to attend and entered the competition. My first time to Nashville – WooHoo! There were 3 categories to enter: songwriter, artist/writer, and vocalist. I entered a song in the artist/writer and vocalist categories. Turns out I cut the mustard and made it into the live competition. So, on Sunday, June 14, Paul and I jumped in the car and drove down to Music City.
There were about 400 other people who also cut the mustard. Everyday, from 1pm – 6pm, the competitions in the 3 categories went on. Each performance was critiqued and my song went through some minor revisions. Fortunately, I kept getting promoted, so-to-speak, to the next level and stayed in the competition until it was whittled down to the top 3 in each category. Unfortunately, this meant I missed out on most of the classes and speakers (but I will receive the recordings). The final performance was on Wednesday night, June 17th before twenty professionals in the music industry. Believe me, I never thought I would make it through to this level as the competition was fierce.
The final winner in my category (artist/writer) was the lovely Roslyn Welch who played a cajon. She was the very first person I met and we became immediate friends.
All-in-all it was a great experience for me and I am truly thankful for it. Feel enormously blessed and more at peace. I don’t know if or when I will ever lose the desire to sing, but for now that desire it is still with me and I keep listening to what God might have to say next. I’m all ears.
My heartfelt and deep thank you to everyone was pulling for me! Your FB messages were tremendous!
Oh ya, one more thing, the title of my song is “A Cross on a Hill”.
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Many Thanks!
Many thanks are overdue to all of you who helped make 2014 such a wonderful year. Mere words don’t seem to be enough as we musicians are so depend on your kind and continued support for what we do. Thank you so much coming to a show, bringing a friend or two, buying a CD, forwarded a newsletter to help spread the word, or saying an encouraging word. As I think about the past year, several highlights come to mind. First, the performance of my original songs at the Weber Center for the Performing Arts in LaCrosse, WI with Ballet LaCrosse. To the incredibly generous, kind, and talented Artistic Director, Kennet Oberly – I thank you! What a thrill to watch people dance to your music! Second has to be the beautiful Klopfenstein Amphitheater at Lowe Park Arts and Environment Center in Marion, IA. That beautiful night and lovely audience will be etched in my mind forever! Thank you Angie Pierce Jennings and the Marion Arts Council. Last, but not least, has to be the Tribute Christmas Concert at the fabulous Paramount Theatre. Our special, surprise guest was none other than the Harry Elston from Friends of Distinction! Nina, Kathy and I were able to be his background singers for his hit song, Grazin’ in the Grass. What a gas, baby, can you dig it? Oh, yeah! THANK YOU one and all, from the bottom of my heart, for making 2014 the best year ever! Can’t wait to see what 2015 brings!
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